Access4Bikes Comments on MMWD Fine Increase
At the July 16, 2024 Board of Directors meeting, staff presented an updated bail/fine schedule for infractions of MMWD rules and regulations. Obviously, higher fines is not what any of us in the mountain bike community want. Access4Bikes rallied the troops and strongly opposed the increased fines, both in conversations with directors and at the board meeting.
Since the new schedule has been rolled out, here’s what we’ve learned:
During this 2-year Recreation Management Plan review, both staff and directors have heard repeatedly that mountain bikes don’t follow the rules and will not be satisfied with the access they are given. Email inboxes are full and the phone lines are ringing; there is a large group of bike opponents that are not backing down.
In response, the directors asked staff to look at the penalties for those that are not only caught ignoring the rules once, but especially those that are ignoring rules over and over again.
Staff responded by proposing new fines with particularly steep penalties for those caught 2, 3 times, or more.
In an effort to ensure the pilot programs success, the Board of Directors approved those fines on July 16th, despite the opposition of well-spoken members of Access4Bikes and others.
A quick point of clarification: It was not only mountain bikers whose fines increased with second and third offenses. Penalties for dogs off leash were also increased and many other offenses saw first time fines increase as well.
Are we okay with this? Absolutely not. The fines for riding a bike on a trail are significantly more than most offenses that actually damage the water or land. For example:
Swimming in a reservoir - $205 with no increase for additional offenses
Poaching a non-horse trail with horse - $205 with no increase for additional offenses
Shooting wildlife - $223 with no increase for additional offenses
Pooping in the reservoir or woods - $223 with no increase for additional offenses
Cutting down your own Christmas tree $223 with no increase for additional offenses
Ripping a trail on your motorcycle - $158 with no increase for additional offenses
Ride a bike on a non bike trail (first offense) - $205
Second offense - $665
Third offense - $838 !!!
You read that right. The highest penalty for a watershed infraction is for bikes and it’s a staggering $838 (only fires/fireworks being higher, rightfully so).
Which leads us to what we are doing now. We are seeking legal advice to determine if this is legal. We are also working with the MMWD Board and staff on getting previous infractions to not count towards the new fine schedule, so that if you poach (please don’t), you’ll at least have the lowest fine level even if you’ve had an offense in the past.
Feel free to contact us ( if you might be a resource in this nonsensical issue.
Stay tuned.
Read it for yourself:
Revised Schedule of Watershed Fines and Fees (revisions highlighted) – As of 1/1/25
Attachment 1 - Resolution of Increases to Watershed Fines Rev 7-15-24.pdf
Provided by MMWD.